CYPELEC Distribution

CYPELEC Distribution

3D Implantation of circuits and loads

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"CYPELEC Distribution" is a program with which users can obtain the 3D implantation of circuits and loads for electrical installation projects.

This program is integrated into the Open BIM workflow via the platform.

Getting started

CYPELEC Distribution. 3D Implantation of circuits and loads

To start working with the program, the user must connect the project they are going to start to an existing BIM project on the platform or create a new project.

If users connect to an existing project that includes a model with building geometry (generated by CAD/BIM programs such as IFC Builder, Allplan, Archicad or Revit), "CYPELEC Distribution" will import that geometry. If the project also includes a BIM model of the layout of electrical mechanisms in the final project brief of the electrical installation (calculated for example by the "CYPELEC Electrical Mechanisms" application), users can import it to define the indoor electrical distribution.


CYPELEC Distribution. 3D Implantation of circuits and loads

CYPELEC Distribution. 3D Implantation of circuits and loads

Work environment

After connecting and importing the selected models from the BIM project, the program allows users to edit the imported elements and enter new panels and electrical loads.

Switchboards and secondary switchboards can be introduced, and the loads introduced can be lighting, emergency, general use outlets, motor or generic loads. For each of the loads, users can enter its apparent or active power, as well as its power factor.

The main feature of this program is the creation of circuits from the previously introduced panels. There are two ways to define a circuit:

  • By estimated load
    The designer must enter the total expected load of the circuit and its length. In this case it is not a fundamental requirement to assign electrical loads to the circuit or to create a sketch of the distribution.

  • By accumulated load
    In this case it is a fundamental requirement to assign loads to the circuit in order to determine its power and to sketch the distribution, in order to be able to determine the lengths per section of circuit.


CYPELEC Distribution. 3D Implantation of circuits and loads

Continue working

Once the distribution of electrical circuits is complete, "CYPELEC Distribution" allows users to export these circuits to the BIM project so that electrical installation calculation programs (such as CYPELEC Core, CYPELEC REBT, CYPELEC NF or CYPELEC RETIE), automatically generate the single-line diagram, in this way saving time and achieving greater efficiency in the calculation of these installations.

CYPELEC Distribution. Results

CYPELEC Distribution. Results


"CYPELEC Distribution" results output provides:

  • Results table

  • Drawings of the electrical distribution

  • 3D model
    The 3D model of the electrical distribution can be viewed from the 3D view of the program and in the platform 3D viewer (included as another layer of the 3D view of the project).

CYPELEC Distribution. Results

Open BIM workflow

The program currently exchanges the following information with the linked BIM project:

  • Imports

    • All 3D models
      "CYPELEC Distribution" shows the 3D view of all models imported during the connection or update of the BIM project.

    • Architectural model
      As well as showing its 3D view, "CYPELEC Distribution" obtains the floor distribution and the interior and exterior geometry that it shows in the 2D plans of each floor.

    • Model of the layout of electrical mechanisms
      "CYPELEC Distribution" can import the model containing the layout of the electrical mechanisms. This model can be generated by programs such as "CYPELEC Electrical Mechanisms".

CYPELEC Distribution. Open BIM workflow

  • Exports
    Exports an IFC file that contains:

    • 3D model of electrical distribution (GLTF)

    • Results table (PDF)

    • Electrical distribution drawings (DXF)

    • Electrical distribution data
      Information about the distribution carried out to be interpreted by programs for calculating single-line diagrams of electrical installations (such as CYPELEC Core).


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